Prodigy I2C Software for Tektronix Oscilloscope

I2C software for electrical validation and protocol decoding with Tektronix DPO5000, DPO7000, DPO/MSO/DSA 70000 and MSO5, MSO6 oscilloscopes

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Product number: PGY-I2C
Manufacturer: Prodigy


I2C Electrical Validation and Protocol Decode Software offers electrical measurements compliance testing and protocol decoding as specified in I2C specification. PGY-I2C Electrical validation and Protocol decode software runs in Tektronix Oscilloscope and provides electrical measurements and protocol decode at the click of a button. This allows engineers quickly check for I2C compliance and flexibility to debug the failure. In addition to this engineers can decode the command and response of I2C to debug the communication. PGY-I2C takes advantage of digital channels of MSO and provides the decoding of I2C data lines.

Features I2C Protocol Software

  • Automated electrical measurements as specified in Rev 3 June 2007 I2C Bus specification documentation.
  • Supports electrical measurement for standard, fast, fast plus, and high-speed with limited comparison
  • Decodes standard, fast, fast plus, and high-speed I2C signals for easy understanding of protocol between master and slave components.
  • Links the protocol content to the electrical signal in the oscilloscope for easy understanding of the electrical characteristics of the protocol.
  • Overlays the protocol data on the analog waveform in a bus diagram window.
  • Zooms the selected I2C packet content in the decode table in the bus diagram display for easy analysis of the electrical characteristics of the I2C frame.
  • Color codes protocol content for easy analysis.
  • Search capabilities to locate unique events in thousands of protocol data.
  • Ability to view protocol and decode data in hexadecimal, decimal, binary, octal, and ASCII formats.
  • Ability to store the I2C protocol data in CSV and text format.
  • Utility features like zoom, undo, and fit the screen for easy debugging while correlating the protocol data to the waveform.
  • Report generation in HTML format.
  • Supports WFM and isf file formats for offline analysis.

Detailed view of I2C decoding and measurement in the oscilloscope

PGY-I2C - I2C decode measurement detail view

Seamless integration with Tektronix oscilloscopes

The PGY-I2C software runs inside the Tektronix oscilloscopes and performs the electrical measurements, decodes the logs and displays the decoded data in a bus diagram and table, and links the decoded data to the electrical signal in the bus diagram. The I2C protocol-based trigger can be set up using the built-in I2C trigger functions of the Tektronix oscilloscopes.

PGY-I2C Seamless integration with the oscilloscope

Supported Tektronix oscilloscopes

  • DPO5000
  • DPO7000
  • DPO/MSO/DSA 70000
  • MSO5
  • MSO6


I2C Voltage Level
I2C Protocol

Technical Data

PGY-I2C Software
Elektrische Messungen
    SCL Clock frequency, High Period-SCL, Low Period-SCL, Hold Time at Sr condition, Setup time Sr condition, Data Valid time, Data Hold time, Data Valid Acknowledge time, Rise Time, Fall Time, Data Setup time, Bus free time between stop and start condition , Setup time for Atop
Bus SpeedStandard, Fast, Fast plus and High speed
Protocol DecodeHexadecimal, Octal, Binary, Decimal, ASCII
Find/searchData and Address
Waveform windowOverlay of protocol decode data on waveform
Report generationCustomizable report in HTML format
Export of dataCSV and TXT format